about me
Nice to meet you!
I'm Emma - mother, naturopath, lover, modern herbalist, nature enthusiast, green thumb, problem solver, glass-half-full kind of woman.
Let me tell you a quick few things about me.
Why Did I Become A Naturopath?
I saw the sense in applying healthy lifestyle measures to benefit our health. I've always had a love of both eating and growing food and being outdoors and while studying discovered a real passion for herbal medicine once I understood the science behind how they work and witnessed their efficacy. That idea of wholism...that food, movement, emotional and spiritual well being all impact on our health just seemed logical to my inquisitive mind.
What Led Me To Focus On Women's Health, and in Particular 'Mothercare'?
I became a mother to my first child during my degree, and to my second as I was just finishing and opened a clinic 3 months later. Taking on the super-mum charge, as so many of us do, I came face to face with 'mum-burnout' and had to use my own tools to support myself.
I also made a small contribution to a popular book on the topic and worked with a pioneer in the field of mothercare and postnatal depletion.
For 4 years, I worked closely with colleague and a wonderful integrative GP, Dr Oscar Serrallach. He published a book "The Postnatal Depletion Cure" which was so well received worldwide and I was honoured to be asked for a small contribution to the section on diet. I carried out combined consults during this time with Oscar helping mothers rediscover their vitality and how to manage health on the other side of birth.
My Qualifications...
I have a Bachelor of Naturopathy degree from Southern Cross University. This is a health science degree specialising in physiology, chemistry, clinical nutrition, phytotherapy (the science behind herbal medicine) and so much more.
I have also undergone extra training and education in women's health and hormones, fertility and pregnancy care and other post-degree training.
I have been a practising naturopath since 2015, running busy clinics of my own as well as working in integrative health centres with other practitioners such as integrative GP's, psychologists, acupuncturists and more. I now work solely online as this has allowed me the balance between doing the work I love and spending valuable time with my young family.
I value....
A realistic and balanced approach to health. Life is to be enjoyed and so a little wine, good quality coffee and the spoils of good food are not things I will be asking you to give up! I believe laughter, sleep, love and a good holiday are the best medicines. I cherish family, freedom, choice and wisdom and believe we are all more in control of our health than we realise and just need to learn a little more about our clever bodies and the tools we can use to effect change when we need to.
How I practice...
I like to practice with practically in mind.
I am a busy mum running a business - and I don't have time or energy for complicated health regimes and unrealistic diets. I'm sure you don't either.
Your treatment plans and any suggestions made need to be efficient and effective which is why we spend so long in your first consultation discussing your goals, where you are at what your life looks like. Every one of my clients is different, and every plan is tailored to suit you and adapted as we move along in our work together.
I also like to make sure we discuss your budget for health before making any recommendations around testing or monthly supplements. Naturopathy has no Medicare rebates and so the cost of the time you spend with me, supplements I recommend and functional testing are not subsidised. It's important that we keep within limits that are affordable and realistic for you.
I practice with empathy. Sometimes we feel like the things we are going through may sound trivial or that we are struggling in areas that others may not understand. Struggling is never trivial and I have the highest respect for those who reach out for healthy help and support. I always aim to listen and understand with kindness and compassion what you are feeling right now and for us to work together to find a way to support you through your journey. It is a privilege to be able to work with women in this way.