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polycystic ovarian syndrome

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Regulate your periods easily and without medication?

Ovulate reliably?

Improve your energy?

Be in control of your metabolism?

Understand your diagnosis and how to manage your hormones naturally and effectively?

Enjoy effortlessly clear skin?



We work together to

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Build you a practical and effective personalised treatment plan

Reduce your testosterone and balance your hormones quickly

Support you to understand your diagnosis

Provide practical education about PCOS

Suggest appropriate and effective supplements

Make reasonable lifestyle recommendations



Packages and Consult Options

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Standard PCOS Package

This package includes


  • 1 x 90min initial session

  • 1 x 45mins follow-up session

  • 3 x 20min follow-up sessions

  • 10% off all prescribed supplements.

  • This package does not include testing. 





We create a personalised plan for you to follow encompassing guidance around nutrition, movement, relaxation and supplement advice.




value $620 + 10% off supplements

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Comprehensive PCOS Package

This package includes



Optional extras - add $260 to upgrade to DUTCH hormone testing


We create a personalised plan for you to follow encompassing guidance around nutrition, movement, relaxation and supplement advice.




value $792 + 10% off supplements

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1:1 Consultations

If you prefer to book and pay for 1:1 consultations monthly as you go then you can book your initial consultation online and reschedule your follow-up consultations from there.




You can view my consultation prices here




Not sure which option is best for you? Book a free 10min info chat or send a message


We discuss...

Image by Amanda Jones


There are certain highly effective supplements and nutrients that are beneficial and recommended to rebalance PCOCS hormones, regulate ovulation and relieve other PCOS symptoms.

Nutrition is an important consideration for hormonal balance and can be particularly useful for certain types of PCOS where insulin is raised

Image by Svitlana




Too much intensive exercise can contribute to high testosterone levels and high cortisol. Too little can also contribute to issues with hormones. Learn the best types for you

Stress management is always important to manage to support well-being and happy hormones. Stress is a common factor in PCOS and is important to address the hormones involved for long-term success. 





A correct diagnosis based on thorough and accurate testing is essential for the right treatment. We review the testing you have had and may recommend testing options to fit within your budget if required

emma jacques

Women's Health

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